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One on One Sessions


One on One Training


Just bring home a new puppy or adult dog and not sure where to start? Do you need help with functional obedience, for the perfect companion dog? Looking into competition obedience or competition nosework, and want to make sure you lay the proper groundwork? Or are you already there, and want to move to more advanced levels? Are you interested in tracking, Shed Dog training or perhaps other nosework?


One on one training allows for specialized help tailored to your dog that is not possible in a group class. You and your dog will receive help specific to your needs, personalized and tailored for your situation and goals.


Starting at $120 per hour

Behavior Evaluation

Behavioral Assessment and Management


Sometimes, our beloved companions come along with a few issues, or develop them later in life. It can be hard to assess these behavioral problems for the first-time pet owner and even for seasoned dog lovers who just haven't come across a particular problem before.


Ranging from barking out the window at the mailman to guarding toys and food to separation anxiety, and even aggression to other dogs and humans, if you are willing to put in the time and effort, most problems can at the very least be safely managed if not entirely corrected.


If your best friend is starting to act like your worst nightmare, contact me to set up an appointment and discuss an modification and management plan- in some cases an in person visit is best, in others I may ask for videos of the behavior if it is safe to capture it on film.


Behavioral Assessments are a flat rate of $50

Board & Train

Board & Train


Boarding dogs for training is ideal for many situations, from not quite having the right schedule to housebreak an older puppy/adolescent dog to wanting to establish solid obedience and other skills a bit more quickly than one-on-one sessions allow for to not being able to safely deal with reactivity, resource guarding, or aggression issues in your own home.


Board & Train is NOT for people looking for a "quick fix" for anything. You WILL have to spend a little time maintaining your dog's training in most cases, even if it's just running him through his command list once or twice a week.


Boarding fees cover board, food, administering medications if necessary, a minimum of three supervised trips outside, and a minimum of two hours of training one on one between me and the dog except for installation days, most likely to be completed in three 20 minute sessions throughout the day. Also includes a photo & small update on the Ludicrous K9s FB page starting the first full day of boarding.


Installation days- for one week and two week stays, this is a one hour session with the handler of the dog on the last scheduled day of boarding. For three weeks or more, at least the last two days will require a one hour session with the handler of the dog. The purpose of installation days is to ensure the dog is responding to the handler regarding behaviors learned during their stay and to discuss with the handler how to maintain the training, and how to build off of it if desired.


Boarding is currently handled via [the link will take you directly to my profile]. Your dogs, my dogs, and my property are insured by Rover for the duration of all stays booked via Rover.



Two Weeks: $1600
Three Weeks: $2400

Four Weeks: $3200

Five Weeks, Six Weeks: $480 per week (20% discounted rate)

Seven Weeks & Up: $390 per week (35% discounted rate)

Bitches in heat- an additional $20 per week during heat will be charged to compensate for the increased use of cleaning solution and for additional security measures to prevent impregnation while in my care



1 Frozen Size-Appropriate Treat Daily: $20 per week

1 One Minute Youtube Video Update Daily: $10 per week

Play With Facility Dog[s] Daily [pending evaluation for compatibility of play styles]: $70 per week

Bath & brush: $25

Brush-out: Depends on coat type & size of dog, starting at $5

Flea, Tick preventative $30 per application

Heartworm preventative $15 per application


Vaccinations Required:

Distemper, Parvo, Bordatella, Rabies


Foundations Program


The Foundations Program covers basic obedience and manners, and is suitable for dogs of all ages [puppies younger than four months of age are one-on-one ONLY and will be worked with in a sterile room with sterile equipment].


This program covers:

-sit until released

-down until released

-place, going to a specific place and waiting until released

-come when called

-not jumping, all four on the floor while greeting people

-sitting and waiting to be released to eat

-waiting until released at doors and out of vehicles, to prevent bolting

-not pulling on leash

-crate training

-discussion regarding housebreaking, nutrition, ideal age for spay/neuter if applicable, how to handle unruly "teenage" puppies, how to prevent marking from adult dogs [and yes, neutered males DO still mark... and some bitches will as well], how to prevent common behavioural issues



This program has three options:

Six one-on-one sessions, with unlimited phone and email support, equipment, and treats at $850

Two weeks of Board & Train, with unlimited phone and email support, at $1,400 [minimum of 30 hours of training]

One week of Board & Train and four one-on-one sessions, with unlimited phone and email support, equipment, and treats at $1,000


Boarding is currently handled via [the link will take you directly to my profile]. Your dogs, my dogs, and my property are insured by Rover for the duration of all stays booked via Rover.



1 Frozen Size-Appropriate Treat Daily: $20 per week

1 One Minute Youtube Video Update Daily: $10 per week

Play With Facility Dog[s] Daily [pending evaluation for compatibility of play styles]: $70 per week

Bath & brush: $25

Brush-out: Depends on coat type & size of dog, starting at $5

Flea, Tick preventative $30 per application

Heartworm preventative $15 per application


Vaccinations Required:

Distemper, Parvo, Bordatella, Rabies




Multi-Approach Programs take all of the benefits of one-on-one training, board and train, and a personal 24/7 365 dog trainer and roll them all into one. Programs run for a minimum of three months to GUARANTEE results, and are tailored to the individual.


Programs all include:


-A minimum of four one-on-one training sessions a month

-A minimum of one week a month of Board & Train, if deemed necessary

-Any equipment necessary for training, including treats, leashes, crates, and collars

-Unlimited Access to relevant Group Classes

-Unlimited phone support for the duration of the program

-Unlimited email support for the duration of the program

-Access to a special Facebook group for lifetime support from myself and other dedicated owners

-Two follow-up appointments, either in person or via phone


Programs are only $1100 monthly, and have proven time and time again to be more effective than other options.

Service Dog Training


Emotional Support Animals can be any animal. They provide comfort to a disabled handler, do NOT have public access rights granted by Federal Law, do NOT have specific training to mitigate a disability, and have access to accompany a disabled handler on Aircraft via the Air Carrier Access Act. There is NO CERTIFICATION for emotional support animals, all online registries are scams intending to rip off disabled individuals- please do not support them! The only necessiy for any animal to be an emotional support animal is a letter written by a doctor on the letterhead of their practice stating the need for the emotional support animal. I provide basic obedience training for all mammals and avians acting as ESAs. Contact me for rates.


Therapy dogs can be owned and handled by anyone with or without a disability. They provide comfort and emotional support for people in a variety of venues, including hospitals, nursing homes, schools, libraries, and court rooms. They MUST be licensed by a group that standardizes training and acceptable behavior for these dogs. They do NOT have public access rights- their handler MUST call ahead and receive permission even from the places where they will be working, and they are not allowed in stores and other locations normally off-limits to pets. They have ZERO Federal legal protection. I provide obedience training for Therapy Animals. Contact me with the name of the organization you wish to certify with to talk about your options- some certification organizations require that you work only with an evaluator/trainer certified by their organization.


Service Dogs are trained specifically to mitigate their handler's disability, or in special circumstances, the disability of the handler's child or adult dependent, with at least one trained task. By definition, according to both Federal and State law, emotional comfort and support is NOT a trained task and does NOT make a dog a Service Dog. Additionally, by legal definition, natural alerts do NOT make a dog a Service Dog- the alert MUST be shaped to allow for consistent communication to the handler every time the alert is given. Disabled individuals have the right, via the Americans with Disabilities Act, to be accompanied by their Service Dog anywhere open to the public that is not a sterile environment, the most common exceptions being kitchens and operating rooms. Disabled Individuals have the right to be accompanied by their Service Dog on aircraft, via the Air Carriers Access Act. There is NO national registry for Service Dogs, and state registration is OPTIONAL [but may net you a discount on local rabies registration, check local law for both state and county to see if this is applicable to you]- this has been publicly addressed by the Department of Justice. I have experience training Service Dogs for a variety of needs, both for in-home use only and for public access work- contact me for rates.


According the ADA, Service Dogs must be housebroken, must not show aggressive behavior while working, and must be trained to mitigate a disability by performing at least one trained behaviour. The fourth REQUIREMENT is that the dog must be in the company of a disabled handler, whom the dog works for. Faking your dog as a Service Dog is a Federal offense, on top of just a horrible move in general- pets, even well-trained pets, often cannot handle the stress of working in public for prolonged periods and endanger the public as well as legitimate Service Dog teams [even mild misbehavior can and HAS resulted in businesses illegally denying service to the next legitimate teams to visit]. I will not be party to assisting anyone in faking a disability just to bring Fido with them everywhere- leave your dog at home, or find pet-friendly venues instead of breaking the law, please.

Service Dogs
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