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Discounts, Deals, Sales

Year-Round Discounts and Deals


Military, Law Enforcement, Firefighters, EMTs, and other First Responders - show some form of ID for 30% off the total amount of any service.


Provide proof of adoption or purchase of your dog within one month of acquiring your dog for 25% off of your first purchase of any service.


For puppies less than six months of age, provide proof of DOB or estimated DOB from a breeder, adoption agency, or veterinarian for 25% off your first purchase of any service.


Contact me for special rates for Service Dogs in Training, Service Dogs, and Emotional Support Animals. [SDs are trained to performed tasks for a disabled handler and have public access rights. ESAs are not task trained, solely provide comfort to a disabled individual, and do not have public access rights. I will ask questions to verify the validity of the SD/ESA as is my right as a business owner as per the Americans with Disabilities Act in regards to SDs, and because these rates are not available to the public in regards to both SDs and ESAs.]


Sales and Promotions


The first ten people to mention the code "moving celebration" to me during phone correspondence will receive a 40% discount on their next purchase of any service.


Seasonal Events



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